Assignment 5 – Midterm Progress


I am creating an interactive game that revolves around collecting rotten apples in a trash can. What inspired me to do this is that most games always make you collect the “good” items and leave the “bad” items out of the box. So, I flipped this norm that we always see in kids games and I am now collecting rotten apples (bad item) and leaving the good apples (normal items). There is no specific game that inspired the apple catching game but I just thought about using an apple since apples fall from trees so it makes sense that they are falling from the sky and can be collected.


There are normal apples falling from the sky and rotten apples. The purpose of this game is to try to collect as much rotten apples into the trash can as possible. The trash can is in the bottom of the canvas and can move horizontally to catch the falling rotten apples. There is a score that is being incremented by 10 every time a rotten apple is collected in the trash can. For the design of the trash can and the apples, I uploaded pictures of a trash can and pictures of apples to make the aesthetics of this game better. I still did not design the “start” page yet but I will also be uploading pictures to make it look aesthetically pleasing. In terms of sound, I am aiming to add background music just like kids games and also a sound for every time an apple is caught in the trash can. Since the game is still in progress I did not add it to this post.


I think what will make this project interesting is adding timer to the game so that the player has limited time to collect the apples. Also I think being able to ask for a players name in the beginning and then add it to an array that holds their name and score can make this a more competitive game so when the game ends the player can see what position he has compared to his friends. I also need to add a function that allows the player to start over the whole game and go back to the home page or only start over the game without having to go to the home page. I also thought power ups can make this game more interesting but I do not know if I can achieve that yet. Lastly, I need to make the screen be as big as possible (take as much of the screen as  possible).


The images that are uploading have a white background, so, if the background is any other color than white, the frame of the image will show and it is not aesthetically pleasing. Also the apple randomizer might make the game unfair because you never know how many rotten apples you will get in the span of your turn. Another player might get more rotten apples in the screen, thus, a better chance to get a higher score. Another limitation is that the apple images might be confusing because they are small and some players might get confused between the rotten and good apple. I obviously will be working to reduce these limitations and make this game as good as possible.

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