Week 5: Reading Response

This reading on computer vision was very intriguing and made me want to create interactive artworks as such. In particular, I liked the “Stills from Cheese” installation as it has a humourous approach to it. I also enjoyed reading about the “LimboTime” game as this was a game that I used to always play with friends in which it was more of a physical game, where an actual stick was used as the “horizontal line”, rather than an interactive virtual one.

Moreover, many of the artists and artworks in this reading sounded familiar from a class I previously took (Understanding IM), in which we learned about David Rokeby, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Camille Utterback, Romy Achituv, etc. However, what stood out differently this time is the idea of computer vision in specific and how there are two main characters, human and computer. For computer vision, those two players have to exist so that the artwork/installation would be interactive and to really be successful.

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