Week 5 – Midterm Project Concept – Classic Tank Game


For my midterm project, I am inspired by my childhood game: a classic Tank Game in the small brick game console.

The game is basically divided into different levels. As you come to the next level, the speed come from the bullet will be faster and more component will spawn in the game. Also, the player only has a limited number of lives. When those lives are used up, it is game over. The user can move around to dodge the bullet. However, because the screen is relatively small to contain both player and enemies, it becomes more and more difficult to win.


I aim for a similar design as its original. I want player tank will have a brick-like display which is distinguished from the enemies. However, instead of doing a monochrome game similar to the original, I want to add colors and random movements to the enemies. It will be either the enemies will move close and close to the player’s tank or the tank will move and shoot bullets randomly.

Object Oriented Class:

  • Tank – Need to have 2 designs, one for player and one for the enemies.
  • Player – Lives, Points
  • Game – Call all the player and enemies state and changes of levels.

Most Frightening Part:

  • The tank movements. In the best case, I want the enemies tank to move based on the players movements. In other words, they would move close and close to the player’s tank. Since the player’s tank will constantly moving, the enemy target path will also change accordingly.
  • Levels. I think it is quite difficult to have the correct parameters for each level. As the level increases, the parameters such as speed and number of enemies will also increase.

Risk Prevention:

  • I will continue to come up with a way to have the tank targeting the player’s tank. However, in the worst case scenario, I can make the tank to move randomly. As I increase the number of tanks, the disadvantage of not having targeting tank will disappear.
  • I will try to be careful with the game state control. It is really important to know when a player wins to move to the next level. Or when the player loses to allow replay sufficiently. Therefore, I will make sure these parameters are set up appropriately for different levels.

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