Reading response | Week 5 | Aadil Chasmawala

This week’s reading on computer vision was very interesting. The key idea presented was how computer vision is becoming more and more accessible to ordinary people and how we can use its power to create better and more interactive art.

The various uses of computer vision that the author gives in the beginning of the article illustrate how simple concepts can be so effective at generating something intriguing. The author’s discussion of some simple algorithms that enable object tracking was particularly interesting to me. I looked deeper into the code listings and found the algorithms very useful. I hope to include them in some way for my midterm project.

Additionally, the author’s emphasis on cleverly designing the physical environment stood out for me. His demonstration of how code can be simplified by creating the right physical environment was interesting to think about . It reminded me of how sometimes we focus on the wrong problem and looking at it from a broader perspective may greatly help . 

Overall, the idea of computer vision becoming more and more accessible to the general public excites me . With the advent of AI tools like Sora and Dall-E ,it seems like it’s only going to be a matter of time until creativity and design takes precedence over raw technical skill. These are the skills that I look forward to developing .


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