Reading Reflection – Week#5

This weeks reading was about Computer Vision, its types and implementation. One thing that stuck out for me was the accessibility of simple computer vision techniques and the emphasis the author put on how even undergraduate or high school students can use some of the techniques described in the text. The author even provided source code for four of the techniques mentioned in the paper, which is another indicator of accessibility of the subject. Presenting the subject of computer vision to a widespread audience with different interests and proficiency in the field can result in a broader reach of computer vision into different disciplines and we can see applications of a vast variety and creativity.
However, it is not be mistaken as an easy subject, as it has been regarded in the past, but rather rather a subject with low barrier of entry and high ceiling, as the opportunities and possibilities with computer vision keep increasing indefinitely, especially with novel applications using AI and ChatGPT, self-driving cars, AI image generators, etc. This seems like the tip of the iceberg as we enter into an era of advanced AI and VR, hence this reading can be an excellent starting point for anybody who wants to interact with the roots of the tree that might shape the future.

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