Reading Reflection- Week 5

In this passage the author talks about computer vision, which is a technology which allows computers to interpret and understand visual information from the surrounding environment.

What is so cool about this is how the computers can understand what they see through the use of computer vision, like movements and objects. Lets take the game “Limbo Time” as an example, where players use their hands, and a computer tracks their movements to play the game. Its fascinating how these simple techniques like movements can create some intriguing interactive experiences.

Another example which fascinates me is the “Messa di Voce,”a performance where voices were transformed into images. Its crazy how the simple voices and sounds themselves transforms into images. As a musician this art-piece really caught my attention and showed me the range of possibilities that are achievable using computers.

Lastly, I found it interesting how computer vision is becoming more accessible in multimedia tools. They talked about plug-ins for programs like Processing and Max/MSP/Jitter that let artists and designers easily add computer vision features to their projects. It’s like having a toolbox full of cool gadgets that make it easier to create interactive art or games, which for us could be useful for our future projects.

These examples show how artists use technology to make interactive projects in lots of different  varieties of ways. In the age of Artificial Intelligence, it’s cool to see how these early ideas helped make the tech world we have now. These are like the building blocks for the interactive designs we see all the time.


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