Midterm Progress – Sara Al Mehairi


The game I am planning to create will take inspiration from “Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” but with a twist of our university’s culture. That said, I titled it “Diary of an NYUAD Kid,” with each game representing a struggle or something we, students, relate to. At first, the player will be introduced to a menu screen with options to play. To avoid simplicity, I decided to gather a group of games, 4 to be specific (or 3.5, as one of them is a doodling notepad), and implement them to provide users with a variety of choices. All games will be single-player.

Design & Implementation

  1. The first game is a simple game of trying to avoid “the cheese touch,” referenced from the movie. If you failed to avoid the cheese touch, you lose points, but if you succeed, you gain points. The goal here is to gather as many falcon points as possible.
  2. The second game is a memory game titled “Have We Met?” It aims to depict the struggle of being new to campus and meeting so many people, with each card representing a character.
  3. The third game is an elevator game, which I’m planning to title “Rush Hour” or “Elevator Rush.” The goal is to get as many students in the elevator as possible to prevent them from being late to class, inspired by the slow elevators on our campus, specifically C2.
  4. Finally, the fourth semi-game is a student’s notebook where you can sketch or take notes, and then save your sketch as a PNG to your laptop. With the vision set & the base code established, my next step is to digitally design the game aesthetics.


Although I have the base code designed for most of the games (with many bugs), I believe it will be a challenge to implement them all perfectly without errors. My goal is to complete all four games, which I know is ambitious, yet I have faith. Another challenge I expect is trying consistency while trying to recreate the same aesthetic as the sketches in the original “Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” but with time and effort, I believe it is possible.

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