Week 4 Assignment – What da Names?

In week 4, we learned how to display text by loading custom fonts and manipulating CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files to visualize the contents.

I was originally working on some cool stuff (yes, very cool) by randomizing texts and using custom fonts for them. It was inspired by Typefaces of Toronto, an Instagram page that finds out the fonts used in facilities within the Toronto city. During this I found out that p5js have some limitations, that is the editor can only load specific font file types (such as those from Google Fonts) and not crazy ones like from Da Font.

However, I wanted to go even beyond just displaying text and wanted to manipulate data as well. So I tried to import some data sets from Kaggle and expected to play around with it. But for some reason, these data were not read properly by p5. I tried workarounds to see if appending them to a list would work but I could not get it to display properly and got errors regarding readableStream instead.

In the end, I opted for ChatGPT to help me generate a .csv file with this prompt:

Generate a CSV file. 50 rows, with three columns: name, year, count, for 50 random names within the year 2010 – 2024, in a random quantity between 1 – 5000, no spaces

After some workaround, here is the result that I came up with:

The result is a simple data showcase of Name, with Year in behind it, and the Quantity information under it. I utilized push() and pop() for the texts so that they are separate permutable objects. You can click to refresh the canvas.

  countMsg = "In that year, there are " + str(count[myNum - 2]) + " babies.";
  text(str(countMsg), width/2, height/2 + 50);

While coding, I also noticed that I needed to subtract the list index by 2 for it to show properly. I am still figuring out why this is the case, but I assume it is because I loaded the header (index[0]), so the program treated it by skipping to the next index immediately.

Overall, it is a fun project. Had I not encountered many problems and gotten sick over the weekend I might have created something much more appealing. But for now, this is the very best I can do with my time.


Browse Fonts – Google Fonts

ChatGPT (openai.com)



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