Reading Reflection- Week 4

I really enjoyed reading the chapter by Don Norman called “The Design of Everyday Things”. The chapter for me was engaging and the author gave various examples and insights on why design is important in everything. Norman says that the two of the most important characteristics of good design are “discoverability” and “understanding”. And through the doors example, Norman clearly explained to us that why these components are essential for designing. I completely agree with him on his view on the current designs which are complex and how these designs should not just merely focus on the beauty part but also focus on the human interaction/ accessibility side of the design.

I liked how Norman gives importance for the concept of Human-Centered Design (HCD), which was really an eye opener for me. He emphasized the need of the designers to focus on the potential errors of the designs during the designing process itself. Which really enlightened me and taught me that, checking for such potential errors in the designs will help us to have a better user-design interaction which will ultimately lead to a better user-end reaction for the design. This concept is what which I believe, is important in all designing process and I would like for it to be incorporated in my future designs and projects.

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