Reading Reflection – Week 4

I think ‘communication’ is a keyword in interactive media. In real-life communication, for example, if you are a teacher, you should know whom you are talking to and give the information based on their intellectual level. It is important to ensure that the person who is listening to you understands what you are trying to convey. The same mechanism applies to interactive media. Since designers communicate through the results of their designs, the outcome should be very precise, and small details should have the power to deliver certain messages so that the user can feel comfortable. Designs become meaningless if the user does not understand their purpose. They only become useful if there are users that use them properly.

I remember from one of the core classes that I have taken, the professor mentioned the ‘desired path.’ If the walker creates a new path on a road that was not designed that way, it is the designer who miscreated the whole road and did not consider how walkers would prefer to walk. I think sometimes most designers pay too much attention to aesthetics, forgetting the experience part of design, which I understood is very important from the reading text. Designers are responsible for creating things that consider users’ preferences. I think this is the most important thing that I should remember from now on as I go through this course.

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