ASSIGNMENT: Generative text output – Jihad Jammal


For this assignment, I aimed to capture the feeling experience of encountering a the blue screen of death (BSOD). To enhance the immersion and create a tangible sense of interaction, I introduced the interaction of th words being disrupted from there wave by your mouse. As the mouse moves across the screen, letters seem to be ripped away into a circle, creating an illusion of them swirling around the cursor. This subtle yet effective layer of interactivity I feel engages with the user in a more direct way, improving my  digital.

A highlight of some code that you’re particularly proud of:

// Calculate the necessary width for a single repetition of the text, including some spacing
let textWidthWithSpacing = textWidth(myString) + 50; // Additional spacing to ensure no overlap

// Draw the text repeatedly across the width of the canvas
for (let x = offset % textWidthWithSpacing - textWidthWithSpacing; x < width; x += textWidthWithSpacing) {
  for (let j = 0; j * lineSpacing < height; j++) {
    let yPos = j * lineSpacing; // Vertical position for each line

    for (let i = 0; i < myString.length; i++) {
      let myChar = myString.charAt(i);
      let waveTime = (frameCount + i * 10) * 0.05;
      let waveHeight = sin(waveTime) * 20; // Wave height for a pronounced effect

      // Original character positions
      let charX = x + (textWidth(myString) / myString.length) * i;
      let charY = yPos + waveHeight; // Apply wave motion

Embedded sketch:

Reflection and ideas for future work or improvements:

Reflecting on the project, I’m genuinely pleased with the outcome and the creative journey it took me on. However, if given the opportunity to revisit and refine the project, I would consider enhancing the virus aspect to make it more pronounced. This could involve more explicit visual cues or even integrating disruptive patterns that more closely mimic the erratic behavior of a computer under the influence of a malicious virus. By doing so, the piece would not only capture the viewer’s attention more forcefully but also deepen the narrative, making the experience even more memorable and impactful.

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