Assignment 4 – Mood clock

For this assignment, I was inspired by the fluid nature of emotions and how our surroundings can influence our mood throughout the day. It got me thinking about the concept of time and its relentless, cyclical pattern. This reflection led me to ponder the idea of visualizing time not just as a sequence of numbers but as an ever-changing spectrum of emotions. What if we could see the time of day reflected through our moods?

**double click on the sketch to interact**

It incorporates a real-time clock, showing hours, minutes, and seconds, alongside a pulsating ellipse that grows and shrinks with each passing second. The background color shifts through various hues—each representing a different mood such as “Dreamy,” “Energetic,” “Calm,” and “Reflective”—as the day progresses. But here’s the twist: users can manually switch between these moods with the press of a key, creating a playful interaction between the digital environment and the user’s current emotional state.

//change mood based on time if the user didn't select any
  if(mood == ""){
  if (hours < 6) {
    def = "Dreamy";
  } else if (hours < 12) {
    def = "Energetic";
  } else if (hours < 18) {
    def = "Calm";
  } else {
    def = "Reflective";

  //Change background color based on the selected mood
  switch (mood) {
    case "Dreamy":
      bgColor = background(120, 113, 255);
    case "Energetic":
      bgColor = background(255, 213, 0);
    case "Calm":
      bgColor = background(0, 255, 183);
    case "Reflective":
      bgColor = background(255, 105, 180);
      bgColor = background(0); 

Adding more interactive elements, such as allowing users to input their current mood or introducing more complex animations that respond to the time of day, are just a couple of ideas I’m exploring. And I really hope the mood clock would allow people to sit and reflect on their emotions throughout the day.

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