Assignment 4: A Sincere Letter Generator by Sihyun Kim :)


As soon as the professor introduced us to the “poetry generator” and its code, I wanted to apply this concept and code that we learned in class. Then, I came up with the idea of creating a “random letter generator” by applying the concept and code we learned in class. To make it resemble a real letter, I downloaded some “letter background” templates from Canva and obtained some handwritten-style fonts from to make the letter appear as if it were genuinely written by someone. Additionally, to make my output more interesting, I allowed the background image and font to be randomly generated.

Highlight of the Code:

There are three functions I intentionally created: generateLetter(), getRandomWord(), and mouseClicked(). generateLetter() is responsible for generating the random content, getRandomWord() retrieves a random word from the string array based on the given index, and mouseClicked() generates “new letters” when the mouse is clicked.

I am proud of all the code I have written for this project. However, I am most proud of the code I created for the generateLetter() function.

//function to generate the letter content using random words
function generateLetter() {
  //constructing the letter content involving template literal and getRandomWord() function
  let letterContent = `Dear ${getRandomWord(RECIPIENT)},

I wanted to take a moment to ${getRandomWord(VERB)} my ${getRandomWord(ADJECTIVE)} ${getRandomWord(NOUN)} for your ${getRandomWord(NOUN)}.Your ${getRandomWord(NOUN)} means a lot to me, and I am truly ${getRandomWord(ADJECTIVE)} to have you in my life. From the ${getRandomWord(ADJECTIVE)} ${getRandomWord(NOUN)} we've shared to the ${getRandomWord(ADJECTIVE)} ${getRandomWord(NOUN)} we've ${getRandomWord(VERB)} together, every ${getRandomWord(NOUN)} with you is a ${getRandomWord(ADJECTIVE)} ${getRandomWord(NOUN)} I hold dear to my heart. As we continue on our journey together, I look forward to creating many more ${getRandomWord(ADJECTIVE)} memories with you.With ${getRandomWord(EMOTION)}, ${getRandomWord(EMOTION)}, and ${getRandomWord(EMOTION)}, I want to express how much you ${getRandomWord(VERB)} and ${getRandomWord(VERB)} to me. Wishing you ${getRandomWord(ADJECTIVE)} days ahead and ${getRandomWord(ADJECTIVE)} adventures.

With ${getRandomWord(EMOTION)},

  textAlign(LEFT); //aligning text to center
  text(letterContent, 130, 250, width - 250, height); //displaying the letter content on the canvas


The attached code above is what I created for the generateLetter() function. I am proud of this code primarily because of the utilization of template literals. Initially, I considered adopting the same approach as our professor did when generating poetry. However, I realized that my code would become too lengthy if I followed the exact same method. So, I began contemplating how to make my code more concise. Eventually, I came up with the idea of utilizing template literals in my code. Template literals, a feature in JavaScript, allow you to embed expressions within strings. This feature enabled me to directly integrate the getRandomWord() function into my base letter content, making my code more concise. Although I was aware of the existence of template literals before, I had never used them. Thus, it was initially challenging for me to figure out how to apply them and understand the syntax. I felt a sense of pride in myself for successfully incorporating template literals to make my code more concise.

Final Output:

**Click the mouse t0 randomly generate a new letter! 


Overall, I am very satisfied with my project. Although it was initially challenging for me to grasp the syntax of template literals, I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project. As for areas of improvement for next time, I believe adding animation where the letter’s content is being written or implementing a feature where the viewer can change particular words one by one when clicked would be intriguing.

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