Assignment 4: Displaying Text

The concept of this assignment is emotions. There are numerous ways to express one type of feeling. As I saw from this website, there are 5 main emotions (enjoyment, sadness, fear, anger, disgust). I have selected 5 words from each category and generated a code that randomly selects and displays the words on the canvas. Ultimately, my goal for this assignment was to show the many emotions humans feel.

In this assignment, I used the pause code to make the artwork interactive. When the user clicks on the canvas, the randomly selected words pause and the canvas freezes. When the user clicks on the canvas again, the random generation resumes. The code below shows how I implemented it.

//when mouse is pressed, random display of words pause/resume
function mousePressed(){
  if(pause == false){
  else {

For improvement, I would like to add a reset button. I’ve tried adding the button but was unsuccessful at it. Adding the reset button would allow the users to have a more interactive experience and also get a view of the image before it gets covered with words.

click on the canvas to pause/resume the display of words


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