Reading Response – Interactivity and Others

How can we define interactivity? I realize that the word “interactive” has been overused by many things that involve some kind of human’s action in it. However, I believe that similar to the reading, the human’s interaction with any object must also result in a response from the object. Hence, the object is interaction. To some sense, this is similar to having a conversation where the speaker expects a response from the listener. Furthermore, as in the reading mentioned, the interaction is just not simply the meaningless communication between communicators but it must involve the process of thinking in related to the given subject. It is worth noting that the level between the subjects in the interactive conversation should be similar.

Another aspect that interests me is the notion of whether interactivity is subjective. While the reading is trying define the term interactivity universally, I would like the think that interactivity is subjective. It does not limit to the functionality of the interaction, but I would rather argue that some interactivity are designed to target a certain group of people. For example, any interaction that requires a response from the text/quote questions without audio support could not consider as interactive to the young children who have not studied how to read yet. Each design for interaction seems to target a certain subject group, or all, but it is certain that interaction is not universal in my opinion.

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