New Interactivity factors. Week 3 Reading Reflection

There are only three factors that makes anything “interactive”. Are they more than three? Or two? One? Reading through the text and found out that the writer is biased in terms of reading a book, he mentions that the book isn’t interactive. But I personally think the opposite! When I open a book on my reading sofa, about a subject I love, e.g. Automotive industry, Immediately I will start to process images while sitting on the sofa. When reading a story or a book and this is only by using one factor of interactivity which is Thinking, I will immediately process an Image of what am I reading, and I draw what is happening by only using one factor. Even you professor Aya, while reading this and me inserting the question marks and the exclamation mark you may have processed and image of me and my expressions connecting them with the text, and it goes beyond processing an image of someone depending on the text. I have created factors of what makes a book interactive. 1. Interest 2. Knowing the writer 3. Storytelling. The first factor is the base for the other factors and without this factor the other will fail to achieve the interactivity, without an interest in the subject why do you read it? The 2nd factor is as I mentioned above, the voice of Masood is appearing in this text, why? Simply we met before, or I could have a video of me speaking on the internet or anything else that you could from it process an Image of me. The last factor is the Storytelling part, what is it? What is Storytelling as a term? Storytelling is the interactive art of using words and actions to reveal the elements and images of a story while encouraging the listener imagination. For example, On the cozy evening I dimmed the lights, played jazz music, sat on my reading sofa, grabbed a hot coffee in my favorite blue cup and started to revise this paper that you are reading now on your screen. 100% you have drawn everything on your mind from reading the sentence and I made an internal Interactivity with you dear reader. The Opposite point of views between the writer and me and the conflicts and the questions will generate fruitful answers.

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