Assignment 3, Rama

For this project I had two goals, adding interactivity, even if simple because it adds to the UI in addition to keeping it simple. So I decided to use was I learnt from the previous assignment about loops and incorprate class and arrays this time. I didn’t have much inspiration from outside sources, I chose cats because the shape is very interesting to make and the meowing sound is annoying yet cute. Here is my sketch:

This is my favourite part of the code:

function mouseClicked() {
if (cats.length < 5) {
cats.push(new Cat(colors[catIndex]));
} else {

because I got to use sound for the first time in my sketch and incorprate it with the mouse clicked function. However I did want to include a different sound of “meow” for every colored cat do add variety but it was getting a bit tricky and overwhelming so I kept it as is.


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