Week 3 Reading Response

I enjoyed “The Art of Interactive Design.” While doing the coding assignment for this week, I was questioning myself: What is interactivity, and why is it significant in art? This week’s reading perfectly aligned with that specific question. I liked how Crawford emphasized that interactivity is a form of art. And this also sheds light on understanding audiences’ needs and desires while creating any interactive experience, just as with any other form of art.  Although I had implemented a basic form of interaction in the last two weeks’ coding problem, I had not actually thought of it as an artistic expression and also did not consider my responsibility to present a coherent interactive experience. After reading Crawford’s thoughts, I went back and reevaluated this week’s coding assignment and tried to think about the audience’s perspectives. Crawford’s perspective on bringing objectivity into the subjective world of interactions was really thought-provoking. I hope to incorporate the three dimensions of interaction labelled in the reading into my future projects and optimize designs for all three dimensions. However, I am still a bit confused between the lines of low-level interaction and no interactivity.

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