Assignment#3 – Nested Orbital Motion

For this project we had to use arrays and classes to generate an artwork. My initial idea was inspired by planetary motion, I thought about creating the solar system with the planets rotating around the sun. Then, I thought about the moon and how it revolves around the earth, resulting in an orbit determined by two circular motions – the moon’s orbit around the earth and the earth’s orbit around the sun. This idea of nested circular motion intrigued me to the extent that I decided to solely focus on creating an artwork with dots revolving around dots in a circular pattern – with each following dot rotating around the previous one, in a long chain of dots.

I created the basic circular motion of a dot based on this video (, but it was only sufficient in case of a fixed center point for an orbit. Hence, I created the appropriate classes and function to achieve the desired nested circular motion effect, which I would say was the hardest part of the assignment. Next, I connected the dots together using lines in attempt to make the chaotic movements of the dots easier to follow. The dots and the lines have different colors, which, after combining with a fading effect, resulted in unique patterns. The following snippet is the main part of the draw function used to display and move the dots and lines accordingly.

Changing the number of dots instantiated and the speed of their revolution results in different patterns: if the “speedCoef” variable is a positive number, the change of the speed with each subsequent dot decreases, which creates an effect of the dots rising outward and gives the pattern an impression of a something like a worm coming to life. If the “speedCoef” is a negative number, the pattern gains more of an “inward” quality, like collapsing into itself, but inevitably untangling itself and looping back to where it started. Additionally, giving the connecting lines more thickness than the dots results in a smooth, wave-like pattern (see the image below). For the future, I would like to analyze the movements of the dots from a more mathematical perspective to figure out when exactly the pattern will return to where it started, or will it return at all. I would also like to play around with the different variables and observe the emerging patterns, possibly for an inspiration to extend the initial scope of the project.

Changing the line thickness results in a smoother pattern.





The following part shows how the speed and radius, as well as the specific positioning of the dots are used to create the needed dots.

dotarr[i] = new Dot(dotarr[i-1].x, dotarr[i-1].y, (50+(speedCoef*i)), dotarr[i-1].radius);

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