Assignment 3 – Around the world

For this assignment, I really wanted to do something fun. I was listening to the song “Around the World” by Daft Punk and thought about how the song is a hit while they just repeat the same sentence.

So, why not create a repetitive pattern that uses that repetitive sound to create something? So I created a robots class that keeps generating robots every 60 frames. Each robot would have a random head size, a random body size, random colors, and either a visor or a normal eye. These robots have an angle and a speed to move in so they can move in a circle.

class Robot {
  constructor(x, y, angle) {
    this.centerX = x; // Center of circular motion
    this.centerY = y; // Center of circular motion
    this.angle = angle; // Starting angle for circular motion

    this.headSize = random(12, 25);
    this.bodySize = random(this.headSize + 5, this.headSize + 25);

    this.headColor = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
    this.bodyColor = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
    //choose between visor or normal eeys
    this.eyeType = floor(random(2));

    this.orbitRadius = 200; // Radius of circular motion
    this.speed = 0.02; // Speed of rotation


The song will be playing in the background and keeps repeating forever. So the song will keep saying “Around the World” while the robots are moving around the world (the center being the mouse).


**click on the sketch**

**if WordPress doesn’t make the sound work so check the sketch itself**

I really enjoyed doing this because I love Daft Punk, but I hope to maybe add some more interaction from the user to do something with these robots honestly.

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