Assignment #3 – Click to spawn

For this assignment we had to use Object Oriented programming so I decided to combine classes, arrays and functions in a fun interactive way. It all started of with the idea of a moving car that was shown to us in class. I decided to replicate that with circles. It ended up looking pretty boring so I was looking for ideas of how I can make it fun, interactive with the user and at the same time look like an “art piece”.

What a better way to find inspiration than to look at Pi’s works (thank you Pi) where I noticed his particle work which spawns small particles in a circle and lets us as users disturb the harmony. My first complication was transforming the motion of the circles from a static one direction pathway to a rotation around the middle. In order to do that, I declared specific variables in the constructor like angle offset and circle radius. By defining the x and y positions using sin and cos i managed to get the drones going in a circle. It still seemed pretty simple so I added a little bit of noise to make the animation look a little bit randomized. It ended up looking pretty nice actually.

The challenge and code

Of course, like always Darko never thinks what he does is enough so he does extremely difficult things to sleep right. And guess what, that is what I did this time. Okay I’m maybe overreacting a little bit but I decided to make the circles spawn every time the mouse button is clicked and my code ended up looking like this:

let drones = []; // necessary global variables
let droneSpacing = 120;
let speed = 5;
let angle = 0;
let r, g, b;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
  background(0, 15);

  for (let i = 0; i < drones.length; i++) {
    drones[i].run(); //spawning the drones
    drones[i].runDriving(); //making the drones rotate

function mousePressed() {
  drones.push(new Drones(drones.length)); // add drones when the mouse button is pressed

class Drones {
  constructor(angleOffset) {
    //construtor for each drone
    this.angleOffset = angleOffset;
    this.droneRadius = 50;
    this.noiseOffsetX = random(1000);
    this.noiseOffsetY = random(1000);

  run() {

  spawnDrones() {
    let noiseX = noise(this.noiseOffsetX); //setting the noise offsets for x and y
    let noiseY = noise(this.noiseOffsetY);
    let x =
      width / 2 +
      cos(angle + this.angleOffset) * droneSpacing +
      map(noiseX, 0, 1, -5, 5); //updating the x position based on the angle, spacing and noise
    let y =
      height / 2 +
      sin(angle + this.angleOffset) * droneSpacing +
      map(noiseY, 0, 1, -5, 5); //updating the y position based on the angle, spacing and noise
    fill(random(255), random(255), random(255)); //randomizing fill colors
    circle(x, y, this.droneRadius);

  runDriving() {

  driveDrones() {
    angle += 0.007; // rotation speed
    this.noiseOffsetX += 30; // x and y noise
    this.noiseOffsetY += 30;

Final Product

The final product can be seen below. Enjoy and have fun 🙂

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