Week 3 – Reading Reflection: Chris Crawford’s The Art Of Interactive Design

Chris Crawford’s The Art Of Interactive Design was such an informative yet highly entertaining read. Touching on the meaning of interactivity, Crawford gave his definition of interactivity in which it is measured, and not as he puts it “a Boolean property”.

The piece was mostly very understandable and very informative in terms of understanding interactivity and what makes something interactive, at least in Crawford’s eyes. However, it is important to keep in mind that human conversation and interaction with machines such as fridges are completely different. I strongly believe that interactivity with humans, and art forms can be measured on a scale but not interactivity with fridges as they are solely tools or means of entertainment. Moreover, I do agree that books, films, and dancing aren’t interactive with users in the slightest which is pretty obvious.

What was highly entertaining to me was the fact that as the example of books not being interactive, he dedicated an entire paragraph to show us an active example of how it doesn’t fit his criteria of interactivity. And, the questions at the end were hilarious.



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