Week 2 – Reading Response: Redefining Creativity | Haziel

I found Casey Reas’ talk about Chance Operations quite intriguing, as it reminded me of my old beliefs regarding art and its concept. Before, I had a completely different perspective about what art is and what defines artistic expression. As someone who is interested in visiting museums and art exhibitions as much as I can, my understanding of art was limited to human expressions through hand made artworks. However, as I had more contact with the digital world, I started changing this conception and appreciate the digital art, as it is showcased in the talk for example.

During his talk, Reas displays different examples of art generated by computers and algorithms. In my current understanding, it also represents art since we can use code to create different angles, shapes, colors and several other characteristics to represent feelings, emotions, and other expressions. At the same time, Reas’ talk inspired a reflection on the role of technology in shaping the contemporary art. The integration of algorithms and computational processes in art creation blurs the lines between human and machine, making me to reconsider what it means to be creative in the digital age. However, I believe it also raises concerns about the potential loss of human “touch” in art when relying too heavily on algorithms. How can we strike a balance between increasing the power of technology and preserving the essence of human creativity in art?

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