Week 2 Reading Response: Chaos or Beauty?

To think that art is just a collection and aesthetic grouping of random objects, and that we find beauty in it is baffling to me. I never thought about it that way. Listening to Casey’s talk and observing the pictures shown, I noticed that it was mostly just randomness concocting a beautifully crafted piece.

Casey Reas, in his Eyeo Festival talk, explores the fusion of algorithms and randomness in digital art, challenging traditional notions of control in the creative process. Linking information from the past, Reas connects chance operations in art, highlighting the balance between intentional ideas and serendipity. This mixture unlocks new creative avenues, encouraging artists to embrace unpredictability for unique and enriched artistic expression.

I think that’s what artworks are mostly about these days. Which could be somewhat tiring to see, as I miss the stories that are conveyed through work such as “The Starry Night”. I guess the concept of chaos can be applied to more than just visually pleasing art, such as music. Specifically Jazz or any instruments that are played really. I wonder what inspired people to create such devices that make sounds that just come together so harmoniously.


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