Week 2: Reading Response

Overall Reflections

After watching the video of Casey Raes it made me wonder about the difference between a traditional artist who draws by hand and a digital artist who generates art using code (algorithm). When making art with hand, the strokes in every painting show that this art/concept belongs to this artist. Whereas the algorithmically generated art can be of different styles by the same artist. So does digital art generated by ordered randomness broaden the artist’s capabilities and style of work? Or does it limit the artist’s personal touch? 

Intriguing Piece 

The art piece that was intriguing to me was when art was integrated with coding and fashion. I was surprised by how modern digital art can have an impact on other fields. The design of the dresses was very unique and appealing. I feel like this integration will give fashion designers a new spectrum of ideas. 


What I initially thought was that the message of the artist may be compromised by digital art’s unpredictability. The art generated is through ordered randomness. The artist is the one who has control over the code and sets the order of the algorithm. However, the art is unpredictable due to random variables. So to check my theory I dedicated this week’s assignment to the theme of ordered randomness. I got to know that the artist has control over their art piece based on how systematic the algorithm is and how often randomness is given control. I even realized how famous artist Jackson Pollock embraced the concept of chance in the art pieces where he made his pieces by splattering and pouring paint over canvases while depending on chance.

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