Reading Reflection – Week 2

I enjoyed Casey Reas’s talk more than I expected I would. Although the presentation is from 2012, I think the talk is more important than ever in the new rise of Generative AI arts. In his talk, he explained his work, which utilizes chance operations and algorithms to create visual outcomes, and claimed these demonstrate the tension between order and chaos. However, the more I looked at his works, the more I felt the presence of an emerging order or pattern out of the caos. I think this just further exemplifies the quintessential human endeavor to find coherence in chaos. The technical difficulties of achieving randomness and the limitations of noise in the arts have been explored quite well in the talk, raising the question of whether it is truly possible to generate randomness with technology where everything is bound by the code. Reas’s assertion, “Artists maintain order in the face of nature,” stuck with me throughout the talk. And this assertion again questions the ownership of the generative AI arts: is the AI or the person behind the model trying to maintain that order?

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