Reading Reflection – Week 2

Casey Reas’s insights into the dance between randomness and order in art have really got me thinking. It’s like he’s saying, “Hey, the world is way more unpredictable than we like to admit, and that’s okay.” This whole spiel about embracing chaos instead of always trying to keep things neat and tidy in our art—it’s pretty revolutionary. Historically, we’ve been obsessed with making everything orderly, but Reas is challenging us to break free from that. He’s suggesting that maybe, just maybe, there’s beauty and authenticity in letting randomness take the wheel now and then.

And that’s got me pondering why we’re so hung up on order in the first place. Is it because it feels safer and more comfortable? Reas throws out this idea of creating your reality, which hits home. It’s like he’s saying we cling to order because it’s familiar, but what if we stepped out of our comfort zones? Imagine the wild, unpredictable art we could create if we were willing to get a little uncomfortable, to embrace the chaos instead of running from it. It’s a bit scary to think about but also thrilling. It makes me wonder what kind of art we’re missing out on by sticking to the same old patterns. Maybe it’s time to shake things up, to see where a little randomness can take us.

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