Assignment 2 – Structured chaos

So basically, after watching the lecture about art and randomness, I wanted to create something chaotic. It does seem as if it doesn’t make sense and everything is random, while in reality, everything is moving using a calculated noise that makes a grey-scale artwork.

Literally, anyone who would say “oh it’s random stuff that doesn’t make sense” I will totally tell him: yes it is. Art sometimes never makes sense and has no purpose other than being chaotic. But, every time you run the code, you will get a totally different output, a different set of squares, different numbers, and of course, different offsets. And there is actually a chance to fill out the screen fully with the squares.

To create the noisy squares that appear like segments I used the noise function.

for(let i =0; i < 500; i+=50){
     for(let j =0; j < 500; j+=50){
        n = noise( (i+xOffset)*0.005, (j*yOffset)*0.005);

        rect(n, j, 20,20);

The noise function tries to create randomness in a way that is connected to the randomness that was generated before and after. So as I said, all this nonsense is literally structured and calculated.


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