Assignment #2 – Code – ☆Trichromatic Dance☆

For this assignment, I was inspired by one of the films I watched in my first film studies class: Synchromy (dir. Norman McLaren, 1971). This film is  a series of rectangles/squares/lines that vary in position, size, and color – each corresponding to the specific part of the soundtrack. I liked this film as it redefined art for me, particularly avant-garde/experimental film which is the field I lean towards nowadays. I just never thought this is what film could look like until I watched this. Here is the link to the film so you can have an idea:

The visuals were actually not made with a PC. In fact, they were done by scratching over the soundtrack of the film (impressive!), and I thought it could be cool to see how this would work through code instead. Obviously, my artwork is much less elaborate and has no music, but I was visually inspired:

For the color transitions, I used chatGPT to help me understand how to do them. Here is a snippet of the code I incorporated:

let r = sin(frameCount * 0.012 + PI / 2) * 127 + 128;
let g = sin(frameCount * 0.06) * 127 + 128;
let b = sin(frameCount * 0.03 + PI / 2) * 127 + 128;

fill(r, g, b);

First, I set the variables ‘r’, ‘g’, and ‘b’ to animate the three colors (which I then plugged into the ‘fill’ function). I then understood that using the sine function is what will create the oscillation of the colors between 0 and 255. The ‘frameCount’ argument, which is then modified, accounts for the frame rate. As we have seen in class, the generic frame rate is usually 60. By multiplying it, this changes the speed at which the colors transition. The smaller the number by which it is multiplied, the greater the frame rate will be, the quicker the colors will change. For each series (column) of rectangles, I just picked random numbers between 0.01 and 0.09 to multiply ‘frameCount’ with, in order to have different speeds for each ‘r’,’g’, and ‘b’ components of each series. Then, the ‘PI’, ‘PI/2’, and ‘PI/4’ arguments allowed to determine at which phase the sine wave would start. Modifying the phase offset in each series (randomly too) also allowed me to vary the starting color of each column. Finally, the ‘sin()’ function is all multiplied by ‘127+128’. At first, I didn’t really understand why I had to write ‘127+128’ instead of just ‘255’. Then, I used chatGPT to understand that because the sine wave oscillates between -1 and 1, first multiplying it by 127 allowed to get a range between -127 and 127. Then, 128 would be added, and because 128-127=1 and 128+127=255, we could get the range of 1 to 255 which fits the color components of RGB.

It was overall super interesting to learn how to make this, as well as to try and understand how the ‘sin()’ function works altogether in order to create the color transitions. Unfortunately, I accidentally wrote ‘y >= 0’ in one of the for loops at some point towards the end of my code, and I think it sent my code into an infinite loop as the sketch completely froze and I was unable to retrieve any of it. But well, it was a lesson that I had to learn eventually and honestly I had fun practicing all over again.

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