Aadil’s Reading Reflection – Week 2

Casey Reas’s talk got me thinking about the relationship between order and chaos that exists all around us . I also thought about the difference between pure randomness and controlled randomness . Reas’s simulations are an example of controlled chaos – where chaos is used along with some sort of constraints to ensure that there is both an element of order and randomness .

On the other hand, there is ‘natural randomness’ – such as the sounds of a waterfall or the pattern of scattered autumn leaves on the ground . I think both of these forms of randomness can lead to beauty and profoundness in unexpected ways .

Reas’s ideas embrace the notion of chaos leading to authenticity and beauty . Chaos is a way to break free from the Structured order . One quote that I really liked was ” I am often astonished to find how much better chance is than myself ” .

His discussion at the end of how new systems open up new possibilities for art is very exciting . His demonstration of how simple algorithms can be tweaked to create different art was very fascinating .Overall, the idea of art that stems from Randomness is very interesting to me and I am excited to explore it further .

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