Week 2, Assignment 2: “Samsung” by Hyein Kim

You might wonder why the title of this art piece is “Samsung.” Yes, it is the name of the popular electronics company in South Korea. Actually, “Samsung” in Korean translates to “three stars.” Just a fun fact: I am a huge fan of Samsung Electronics. All of the electronics, including smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, earphones, and laptops that I use, are from Samsung 🙂

I really like the shape of the star, so my initial goal was to use the star shape in some way to create art. Initially, I used lines with a ‘for’ loop to create the star shape. However, I later changed my mind to use lines in the background and triangles instead for the star. Afterwards, I wanted to add animation to my art piece. I wanted my background to change somehow. My initial idea was to create a gradation of lines in the background moving from top to bottom, but I could not figure out how to do that, so I changed my plan to make the background color change to white.

To make that idea come true, I made an animation using two white lines moving toward the center. Then, I moved the background color to the setup so that the background color would not change to black again while the white lines were moving towards the center. Using the ‘if’ function, I coded the background color to change to black again if the lines reached the center, so that all of the setups could be reset. This part of my code became the proudest work for this assignment.

//background animation
x1 = x1 + 1
line(x1, y1, x1-400, height)
if (x1 > width) {
x1 = 0

x2 = x2 - 1
line(x2, y2, x2+400, 0)
if (x2 < 0) {
x2 = 400

//white lines in the background
for(let x = centerX - 200; x < centerX + 200; x += 5) {
line(centerX, centerY-200, x, height)
for(let x = centerX - 200; x < centerX + 200; x += 5) {
line(centerX, centerY+200, x, 0)

While I liked the outcome, when I saw the empty space on both the left and right sides of the star, I came up with an idea of creating two more little stars which would have black colors, so that they would appear while the background color changes to white. While the background is black, they are not seen.

I really like the work I have done, but for further improvements, I would like to try to achieve my initial goal of making the background using line gradation.

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