Luke Nguyen – Assignment 2

During last week, I got to listen back to one of my favorite song, “Sativa” by Jhené Aiko from her album “Trip.” I have been obsessed with this song since high school. What really interests me is the cover for the album:

Jhené Aiko, Trip

It has graphically designed rings that circularly loop around the square cover. So, I thought I’d apply the concept learned in class to recreate my interpreted version of this album cover.

A highlight of some code I’m particularly proud of:
I’m particularly proud of creating the circular loops of the rings. I learned how to do the circular loop from Daniel Shiffman’s The Coding Train YouTube video here (, at around 6:27 where he teaches using the sin and cos in the for loop.


// first loop of rings
for (let m = 0; m < 1440; m += 30) {
let x = 50 * sin(m) + 200;
let y = 50 * cos(m) + 200;

Embedded sketch:


Creating a loop in a circular motion is rather fascinating to me. I was trying on my own to create the effect, but to no avail. Coincidentally, I was experimenting with creating custom shapes different from the primitive shapes we’ve learned in class while learning p5js on my own. And my research online into how to do so led me to come across Daniel Shiffman’s video that taught me how to create custom shape and create a circular loop.

I had fun creating all the loops and the circles. I played around with the input for the function within the loop to create the effect. Since I have multiple loops of rings for the assignment, I have to use multiple loops.

To emulate the colors from the album cover, I also looked up how to add the glow effect to an object in p5js and came across a video by Kazuki Umeda at I added two functions for the effect, namely “drawingContext.shadowBlur” and “drawingContext.shadowColor=color”.

And for the girl in the center, it’s just an uploaded transparent png file. But in order to know how to insert an image, I also look up a p5js reference created by claesjohnson

Ideas for future work or improvements:

  • The codes for the loops right now are rather repetitive, so I’m trying to figure out how to clean them up, maybe into another “while” or “for” loop.
  • I wanted to add a radial gradient background and use the white color for the looped rings instead but I didn’t know how to do so, so this is another idea for improvement.
  • I also wanted to experiment with a shape that looks like a parabol instead of the primitive circle.

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