Assignment #2 – Casey Reas Talk

When we hear the word “Chaos” our minds automatically think of destruction and overall something negative. Casey Reas explored the meaning of this word and it reshaped my mind in terms of its meaning. Reas included many applications of “chaos” in beautiful pieces of art and explored how chaotic nature could be.

One concept that really stuck with me was the concept of randomness. Casey Reas’s talk opened my eyes on the ways in which the idea of randomness is perceived in art. I genuinely believe that randomness is sometimes important and Reas highlights that at one point.

Another concept that stuck out for me was the part where he talked about combining art with biology. Being a Psychology major student, I am very interested in one’s mind and knowing that it is possible to merge both of my interests into one made my day. I am truly satisfied after watching this talk.

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