Assignment 1 – Self Portrait (Haziel)

For this assignment, I decided to create a simple 2D portrait using primitive shapes and a few of my favorite colors. The concept and objective was to represent key characteristics of my appearance, which became quite challenging as I don’t have much experience with p5. So, I drew my current black hair (Emphasizing this because I used to change my hair color really often :D) and a Brazilian t-shirt. Additionally, I used green for the background, since it’s my favorite color and the tone also gave a good contrast with my drawing.

In portrait itself, I used basic geometric shapes. Ellipse to create the face and eyes; Arc for the hair, mouth, eyebrows, and the t-shirt; and triangle for the nose.

When it comes to the reflection, I believe there are some areas where I could improve to enhance the representation of my identity in the portrait. One key aspect would be to add more details, such as incorporating more complex shapes or finer lines to capture the nuances of my appearance. For example, my curly hair could be depicted with a more diverse range of shapes and textures.

Looking ahead, I’m excited to learn more advanced skills and techniques using p5. Exploring new methods for digital art and honing my abilities with the software will enable me to create more dynamic and expressive projects in the future. So, I’m really looking forward to experimenting with different styles and approaches to further develop my artistic side.

Here’s my code:

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
  // Face
  fill(255, 204, 153);
  ellipse(200, 200, 200, 250);
  // Hair 
  arc(200, 140, 180, 130, PI, TWO_PI);
  // Eyes
  ellipse(160, 180, 30, 30);
  ellipse(240, 180, 30, 30);
  // Eyebrows
  arc(160, 170, 40, 10, PI, TWO_PI);
  arc(240, 170, 40, 10, PI, TWO_PI);
  // Mouth
  arc(200, 220, 50, 50, 0, PI);
  // Nose
  fill(255, 204, 153);
  triangle(200, 200, 190, 230, 210, 230);
  // Brazilian T-shirt
  arc(200, 380, 200, 160, 0, PI);
  arc(200, 380, 200, 160, PI, TWO_PI);

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