Assignment 1 Self-portrait

The first assignment was different than any assignments I have done, it was a fun activity to me. I learned a lot from the past two classes and learned more by doing this task, using my skill of self learning and learning something new at the moment when i think of it.

The portrait itself, initially I tried to make a portrait of myself but I thought after that it would be cliche and everybody will do the same. I came up afterwards with the alien head which is an emoji that I always use and everyone knows me remembers me instantly, so it is me in another universe. I tried to make the same shape of the aliens head but It got challenging, and tried to shape the eyes with the big black pupils, with a tiny circle that shows the reflection of the light. Afterwards I got an idea of drawing some stars behind the head, I tried to draw the quad and shape it afterwards to look like a star but I found it hard fixing the dimensions and not the way I wanted it to be. I came up with an idea of making tiny points all over the canvas behind the head, going back to the reference page in P5 website, I created a starry universe by using the dots and with the command random() and made them infinite by using a loop function to create the starry effect.

Through this assignment I learnt a lot and loved the process of doing it. As a freshman I want to improve my self learning skills and this assignment is  helping me achieving this skill that will help me in my future courses throughout my four years at the university.


function drawAlien(x, y) {
  // Alien face
  fill(0, 200, 120, 50);
  ellipse(x, y, 100, 110); // Head

  // Eyes
  ellipse(x - 20, y - 10, 30, 40); // Left eye
  ellipse(x + 20, y - 10, 30, 40); // Right eye

  // Pupils
  ellipse(x - 29, y -17, 5, 10); // Left pupil
  ellipse(x + 29, y -17, 5, 10); // Right pupil

  // Smiling mouth
  arc(x, y + 20, 10, 15, 0, PI);


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