The aim was to draw a simple 2D portrait using basic shapes and solid colours. Since it was my first time experimenting with p5, I kept my design fairly simple and mainly worked on familiarising myself with the basic concepts. I would love to continue improvising my self-portrait as I learn new skills.
For the portrait, I used simple geometric shapes for the head, hair, eyes, nose and mouth. I used pre-defined constants like PI and QUARTER_PI to draw arcs and ellipses. I used the p5js reference library to learn how to rotate a shape.
In reflecting on this project, I realised there are many possibilities to make the portrait more creative and personalised. For example, I could add interactivity to have different facial expressions. I could also add more detail like ears, eyebrows, and hair texture. The background could be customisable with different colours or shapes.
I look forward to learning more complex p5js functionality. In my next projects, I plan to incorporate animation to bring more life into my artwork. I now feel more comfortable with the basic syntax of p5js. With more practice, I hope to make projects that are visually engaging and fun to interact with. I’m excited to continue growing my coding and creative skills.
arc(200, 300, 50, 20, 0, PI); // hair strokeWeight(1); stroke('rgb(53,30,30)'); fill('rgb(53,30,30)'); angleMode(RADIANS); rotate(0.72); ellipse(240, 35, 50, 130); rotate(1.5); ellipse(10, -300, 50, 130);