For this assignment, I opted for a straightforward approach to create a self-portrait. The portrait includes various facial features, notably the eyes move horizontally due to the animation, and the eyebrows respond to the eye movement.
Code Implementation:
let eye1X = 170; let eye2X = 230; let direction1 = 1; let direction2 = 1; let lipYOffset = 0; function setup() { angleMode(DEGREES); rectMode(CENTER); createCanvas(400, 400); background(240); } function draw() { background(240); // Draw the existing elements // hair fill(41, 38, 31); rect(200, 220, 205, 330, 90); // shirt fill(167, 181, 169); rect(200, 380, 190, 270, 40); // neck fill(245, 227, 176); rect(200, 239, 100, 100, 30); // face fill(245, 227, 176); ellipse(200, 150, 150, 175); // left eye fill(255); ellipse(eye1X, 143, 40, 40); // right eye ellipse(eye2X, 143, 40, 40); // left pupil fill(0); ellipse(eye1X, 143, 15, 20); // right pupil ellipse(eye2X, 143, 15, 20); // mouth arc(200, 192, 50, 50, 0, 180); // nose noFill(); arc(198, 175, 20, 15, 270, 90); // bangs noStroke(); fill(41, 38, 31); rect(200, 81, 90, 43, 58); strokeWeight(5); stroke(41, 38, 31); line(150, 115, 175, 115); // left eyebrow line(225, 115, 250, 115); // right eyebrow strokeWeight(1); stroke(0); // eye positions eye1X += direction1 * 2; eye2X += direction2 * 2; // Check if eyes reach the edge and change direction if (eye1X <= 160 || eye1X >= 180) { direction1 *= -1; } if (eye2X <= 220 || eye2X >= 240) { direction2 *= -1; } }