My name in Arabic (الريم) means deer, so for this assignment, I decided to code a deer as a self-portrait.
It was particularly challenging to place the ears in the right position. For that, I had to use the translate and rotate functions. This is something that I am proud of as we have not covered this concept in class yet.
push(); translate(130, 355); rotate(HALF_PI + QUARTER_PI); arc(0, 0, 30, 25, 45, TWO_PI, PIE); pop(); fill('rgb(161,92,92)'); ellipse(180, 300, 30, 110); push(); translate(180, 360); rotate(QUARTER_PI); fill('rgb(105,27,27)'); arc(0, 0, 20, 20, 45, TWO_PI, PIE); pop(); ellipse(220, 300, 30, 110); push(); translate(220, 360); rotate(QUARTER_PI); fill('rgb(105,27,27)'); arc(0, 0, 20, 20, 45, TWO_PI, PIE); pop();
For improvements, I could make the deer stand up if it is hovered on for interactivity. I could also try making it run sideways with additional sprites or make it move with the user’s mouse movement.