let gameDuration = 30 * 1000;
let isSerialConnected = false;
let transitionScreenVisible;
let bgMusic; // Background music
spaceshipImage = loadImage("images/spaceship.png");
asteroidImage = loadImage("images/asteroid.png");
alienImage = loadImage("images/alien.png");
bg = loadImage("images/bg.png");
shipDestroy = loadImage("images/spaceshipdestroy.png");
instructionsMenu = loadImage("images/level2instructions.png");
tooSlow = loadImage("images/tooslow.png");
gamebg = loadImage("images/gamebg.png");
gamewin = loadImage("images/gamewin.png");
bgMusic = loadSound("sounds/bgmusic.mp3");
laserSound = loadSound("sounds/shoot.mp3");
explosionSound = loadSound("sounds/explosion.mp3");
spaceship = new Spaceship();
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Start playing background music
} else if (level === 2) {
if (transitionScreenVisible) {
function displayLevel1() {
image(gamebg, width/2, height/2, width, height);
let elapsedTime = millis() - startTime;
let remainingTime = max(0, gameDuration - elapsedTime);
// Check for collisions with user laser and asteroids
for (let i = asteroids.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (let j = lasers.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (asteroids[i].hits(lasers[j])) {
asteroids.splice(i, 1); // Remove the asteroid
lasers.splice(j, 1); // Remove the laser
// Generate new asteroids
if (frameCount % 60 === 0) {
let asteroid = new Asteroid();
text("Score: " + score, 20, 30);
text("Remaining Time: " + (remainingTime / 1000).toFixed(2) + "s", 20, 60);
// Check if any asteroid hits the ground
for (let i = asteroids.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (asteroids[i].hitsGround()) {
if (damage > maxDamage) {
if (remainingTime <= 0) {
// Check if the user hits a score of 10 to move to Level 2
transitionScreenVisible = true;
// showLevelTransitionScreen(2);
image(bg, 0, 0, width, height);
function showLevelTransitionScreen(nextLevel) {
image(instructionsMenu, width/2, height/2, width, height);
function mousePressed() {
if (transitionScreenVisible) {
asteroids = []; // Clear the asteroids array
score = 0; // Reset the score
startTime = millis(); // Restart the timer
transitionScreenVisible = false; // Hide the transition screen
function displayLevel2() {
image(gamebg, width/2, height/2, width, height);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
// Check if it's the first frame of Level 2
level2StartTime = millis();
// Calculate elapsed time
let elapsedTime = millis() - level2StartTime;
let remainingTime = max(0, 30 * 1000 - elapsedTime);
text("Score: " + score, width / 2, 70 )
text("Time: " + (remainingTime / 1000).toFixed(2) + "s", width / 2, 30);
text("Alien Invasions: "+aliensHitGround, width/2, 50);
// Check if the time is up
if (remainingTime <= 0) {
// text("Time's up!", width / 2, height / 2);
// Update and display aliens
for (let i = aliens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Check if the alien should shoot a laser
// Check if the alien has hit the ground
if (aliens[i].y + aliens[i].height > height) {
// Check if more than 10 aliens hit the ground
if (aliensHitGround > 100) {
// text("Earth destroyed!!!1", 200, 200);
// Check for collisions spaceship lasers with aliens
for (let i = lasers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (let j = aliens.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (lasers[i].hits(aliens[j])) {
// Handle laser hit on aliens
aliens.splice(j, 1); // Remove the alien
lasers.splice(i, 1); // Remove the laser
// Check if the user wins the game
if (score >= 10 && remainingTime > 0) {
break; // Exit the inner loop after a collision is found
//check for collisions between aliens laser and the spaceship
for (let i = alienLasers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (alienLasers[i].hits(spaceship)) {
// Handle collision with spaceship
// text(("detection!"), 100, 100);
alienLasers.splice(i, 1); // Remove the alien laser
// Display and update alien lasers
for (let i = alienLasers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (alienLasers[i].offscreen()) {
alienLasers.splice(i, 1);
// Check if there are no more aliens, then respawn a new set
if (aliens.length === 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Display the game win image or perform other actions
image(gamewin, width / 2, height / 2, width, height);
noLoop(); // Stop the draw loop to freeze the game
mousePressed = restartGame;
this.radius = random(20, 40);
this.x = random(this.radius, width - this.radius);
this.hitGround = false; //track if the asteroid has hit the ground
image(asteroidImage, this.x, this.y, this.radius * 2, this.radius * 2);
let d = dist(laser.x, laser.y, this.x, this.y);
return d < this.radius + 2;
if (this.y + this.radius > height && !this.hitGround) {
return this.y + this.radius > height;
this.x = width / 2 - this.width / 2;
this.y = height - this.height;
this.rotation = 0; // Initial rotation angle
translate(this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + this.height / 2);
image(spaceshipImage, 0, 0, this.width, this.height);
if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) {
} else if (keyIsDown(DOWN_ARROW)) {
// Ensure the spaceship stays within the bounds of the canvas height
this.y = constrain(this.y, 0, height - this.height);
// Map potVal from the range 0-1023 to -90 to 90 for rotation
this.rotation = map(potVal, 966, 12, -90, 90);
// FOR WHEEL: potVal, 966, 12, -90, 90
// Check if enough time has passed since the last shoot
if (shoot === 1 && millis() - lastShootTime >= shootInterval) {
this.y + this.height / 2,
lastShootTime = millis(); // Update the last shoot time
// Play the laser sound effect
// Spaceship movement in the direction it is pointing
this.rotation = map(potVal, 966, 12, -180, 180);
let spaceshipDirection = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(this.rotation - 90)); // Subtract 90 to align with the forward direction
this.x += spaceshipDirection.x * this.speed;
this.y += spaceshipDirection.y * this.speed;
// Ensure the spaceship stays within the bounds of the canvas
this.x = constrain(this.x, 0, width - this.width);
this.y = constrain(this.y, 0, height - this.height);
// Check if enough time has passed since the last shoot
if (shoot === 1 && millis() - lastShootTime >= shootInterval) {
this.y + this.height / 2,
lastShootTime = millis(); // Update the last shoot time
// Play the laser sound effect
this.x = random(width - this.width);
this.speedX = random(-1, 1) * alienSpeed;
this.speedY = random(0.5, 1) * alienSpeed;
this.y + this.height / 2,
if (this.x < 0 || this.x + this.width > width) {
// Wrap around vertically
this.x = random(width - this.width);
this.speedX = random(-1, 1) * alienSpeed;
this.speedY = random(0.5, 1) * alienSpeed;
// Calculate the angle between the alien and the spaceship
let angle = atan2(spaceship.y - this.y, spaceship.x - this.x);
// Shoot an alien laser in the calculated angle
let alienLaser = new AlienLaser(
this.y + this.height / 2,
let alienCenterX = this.x + this.width / 2;
let alienCenterY = this.y + this.height / 2;
// Check if the laser is within the bounding box of the alien
laser.x < this.x + this.width &&
laser.y < this.y + this.height
constructor(x, y, rotation) {
this.rotation = rotation;
translate(this.x, this.y);
this.x += this.speed * cos(radians(this.rotation));
this.y += this.speed * sin(radians(this.rotation));
return this.x > width || this.x < 0 || this.y > height || this.y < 0;
spaceship.x + spaceship.width / 2,
spaceship.y + spaceship.height / 2
return d < (spaceship.width + spaceship.height) / 4;
constructor(x, y, rotation) {
this.rotation = rotation;
translate(this.x, this.y);
this.x += this.speed * cos(radians(this.rotation));
this.y += this.speed * sin(radians(this.rotation));
return this.x > width || this.x < 0 || this.y > height || this.y < 0;
alien.x + alien.width / 2,
alien.y + alien.height / 2
return d < (alien.width + alien.height) / 4;
function updateLasers() {
for (let i = lasers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (lasers[i].offscreen()) {
// important to have in order to start the serial connection!!
isSerialConnected = true; // Update connection status
startTime = millis(); // Start the timer when the connection is made
if (key === 'f' || key === 'F') {
function readSerial(data) {
let fromArduino = split(trim(data), ",");
if (fromArduino.length == 2) {
potVal = int(fromArduino[0]);
shoot = int(fromArduino[1]);
// SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake)
let sendToArduino = damage + "," + maxDamage + "\n";
// console.log(maxDamage);
noLoop(); // Stop the draw loop
// Call a function from gameover.js to display the game over screen
function showGameOver() {
// // Implement your game over screen here
// background(0); // Set background to black
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
// text("Game Over!", width / 2, height / 2 - 50);
image(earthDestroy, width/2,height/2, width, height);
text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height-100);
image(tooSlow, width/2,height/2, width, height);
text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height-100);
if(aliensHitGround>10){ //greater than set value of invasions allowed
image(earthDestroy, width/2,height/2, width, height);
text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height-100);
else if(damage>= maxDamage){
image(shipDestroy,width/2,height/2, width, height );
text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height -100);
image(tooSlow, width/2,height/2, width, height);
text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height-100);
text("Click to Restart", width / 2, height -50);
// Add event listener for the restart button
mousePressed = restartGame;
// Reload the page to restart the game
let score = 0;
let spaceship;
//images and menus
let spaceshipImage;
let bg;
let gamewin;
let earthDestroy;
let shipDestroy;
let gamebg;
let tooSlow;
let laserSound;
let explosionSound;
let potVal = 450;
let shoot = 0;
let lastShootTime = 0;
let shootInterval = 200;
let startTime;
let gameDuration = 30 * 1000;
let isSerialConnected = false;
let lasers = [];
let level = 1;
let transitionScreenVisible;
let asteroids = [];
let asteroidSpeed = 2;
let damage = 0;
let maxDamage = 10;
let asteroidImage;
let instructionsMenu;
let alienImage;
let aliens = [];
let alienSpeed = 2;
let alienLasers = [];
let aliensHitGround = 0;
let level2StartTime;
let bgMusic; // Background music
function preload() {
spaceshipImage = loadImage("images/spaceship.png");
asteroidImage = loadImage("images/asteroid.png");
alienImage = loadImage("images/alien.png");
bg = loadImage("images/bg.png");
shipDestroy = loadImage("images/spaceshipdestroy.png");
instructionsMenu = loadImage("images/level2instructions.png");
tooSlow = loadImage("images/tooslow.png");
gamebg = loadImage("images/gamebg.png");
gamewin = loadImage("images/gamewin.png");
bgMusic = loadSound("sounds/bgmusic.mp3");
laserSound = loadSound("sounds/shoot.mp3");
explosionSound = loadSound("sounds/explosion.mp3");
function setup() {
spaceship = new Spaceship();
// Initialize aliens
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
let alien = new Alien();
// Start playing background music
// bgMusic.loop();
function draw() {
// console.log(shoot);
if (level === 1) {
} else if (level === 2) {
if (transitionScreenVisible) {
} else {
function displayLevel1() {
image(gamebg, width/2, height/2, width, height);
if (isSerialConnected) {
let elapsedTime = millis() - startTime;
let remainingTime = max(0, gameDuration - elapsedTime);
// Check for collisions with user laser and asteroids
for (let i = asteroids.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (let j = lasers.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (asteroids[i].hits(lasers[j])) {
asteroids.splice(i, 1); // Remove the asteroid
lasers.splice(j, 1); // Remove the laser
// Generate new asteroids
if (frameCount % 60 === 0) {
let asteroid = new Asteroid();
text("Score: " + score, 20, 30);
text("Remaining Time: " + (remainingTime / 1000).toFixed(2) + "s", 20, 60);
// Check if any asteroid hits the ground
for (let i = asteroids.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (asteroids[i].hitsGround()) {
// console.log(damage);
if (damage > maxDamage) {
if (remainingTime <= 0) {
// Check if the user hits a score of 10 to move to Level 2
if (score >= 10) {
transitionScreenVisible = true;
level = 2;
// showLevelTransitionScreen(2);
} else {
// bgMusic.play();
image(bg, 0, 0, width, height);
function showLevelTransitionScreen(nextLevel) {
// bgMusic.play();
image(instructionsMenu, width/2, height/2, width, height);
function mousePressed() {
if (transitionScreenVisible) {
// Start the next level
asteroids = []; // Clear the asteroids array
score = 0; // Reset the score
damage =0;
startTime = millis(); // Restart the timer
transitionScreenVisible = false; // Hide the transition screen
function displayLevel2() {
image(gamebg, width/2, height/2, width, height);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
// Check if it's the first frame of Level 2
if (!level2StartTime) {
level2StartTime = millis();
// Calculate elapsed time
let elapsedTime = millis() - level2StartTime;
let remainingTime = max(0, 30 * 1000 - elapsedTime);
// Display timer & score
text("Score: " + score, width / 2, 70 )
text("Time: " + (remainingTime / 1000).toFixed(2) + "s", width / 2, 30);
text("Alien Invasions: "+aliensHitGround, width/2, 50);
// Check if the time is up
if (remainingTime <= 0) {
// text("Time's up!", width / 2, height / 2);
// Update and display aliens
for (let i = aliens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Check if the alien should shoot a laser
if (random(1) < 0.01) {
// Check if the alien has hit the ground
if (aliens[i].y + aliens[i].height > height) {
aliens.splice(i, 1);
// Check if more than 10 aliens hit the ground
if (aliensHitGround > 100) {
// text("Earth destroyed!!!1", 200, 200);
// Check for collisions spaceship lasers with aliens
for (let i = lasers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (let j = aliens.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (lasers[i].hits(aliens[j])) {
// Handle laser hit on aliens
// score++;
aliens.splice(j, 1); // Remove the alien
lasers.splice(i, 1); // Remove the laser
// Check if the user wins the game
if (score >= 10 && remainingTime > 0) {
break; // Exit the inner loop after a collision is found
//check for collisions between aliens laser and the spaceship
for (let i = alienLasers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (alienLasers[i].hits(spaceship)) {
// Handle collision with spaceship
// text(("detection!"), 100, 100);
alienLasers.splice(i, 1); // Remove the alien laser
if (damage > maxDamage){
// Display and update alien lasers
for (let i = alienLasers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (alienLasers[i].offscreen()) {
alienLasers.splice(i, 1);
// Check if there are no more aliens, then respawn a new set
if (aliens.length === 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
let alien = new Alien();
function gameWin() {
// Display the game win image or perform other actions
image(gamewin, width / 2, height / 2, width, height);
noLoop(); // Stop the draw loop to freeze the game
mousePressed = restartGame;
class Asteroid {
constructor() {
this.radius = random(20, 40);
this.x = random(this.radius, width - this.radius);
this.y = -this.radius;
this.hitGround = false; //track if the asteroid has hit the ground
display() {
image(asteroidImage, this.x, this.y, this.radius * 2, this.radius * 2);
update() {
this.y += asteroidSpeed;
hits(laser) {
let d = dist(laser.x, laser.y, this.x, this.y);
return d < this.radius + 2;
hitsGround() {
if (this.y + this.radius > height && !this.hitGround) {
this.hitGround = true;
return this.y + this.radius > height;
class Spaceship {
constructor() {
this.width = 70;
this.height = 70;
this.x = width / 2 - this.width / 2;
this.y = height - this.height;
this.speed = 5;
this.rotation = 0; // Initial rotation angle
display() {
translate(this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + this.height / 2);
image(spaceshipImage, 0, 0, this.width, this.height);
update() {
if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) {
this.y -= this.speed;
} else if (keyIsDown(DOWN_ARROW)) {
this.y += this.speed;
// Ensure the spaceship stays within the bounds of the canvas height
this.y = constrain(this.y, 0, height - this.height);
// Map potVal from the range 0-1023 to -90 to 90 for rotation
this.rotation = map(potVal, 966, 12, -90, 90);
// FOR WHEEL: potVal, 966, 12, -90, 90
// Check if enough time has passed since the last shoot
if (shoot === 1 && millis() - lastShootTime >= shootInterval) {
// Shoot a laser
let laser = new Laser(
this.x + this.width / 2,
this.y + this.height / 2,
this.rotation - 90
lastShootTime = millis(); // Update the last shoot time
// Play the laser sound effect
updateLevel2() {
// Spaceship movement in the direction it is pointing
this.rotation = map(potVal, 966, 12, -180, 180);
let spaceshipDirection = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(this.rotation - 90)); // Subtract 90 to align with the forward direction
this.x += spaceshipDirection.x * this.speed;
this.y += spaceshipDirection.y * this.speed;
// Ensure the spaceship stays within the bounds of the canvas
this.x = constrain(this.x, 0, width - this.width);
this.y = constrain(this.y, 0, height - this.height);
// Check if enough time has passed since the last shoot
if (shoot === 1 && millis() - lastShootTime >= shootInterval) {
// Shoot a laser
let laser = new Laser(
this.x + this.width / 2,
this.y + this.height / 2,
this.rotation - 90
lastShootTime = millis(); // Update the last shoot time
// Play the laser sound effect
class Alien {
constructor() {
this.width = 50;
this.height = 50;
this.x = random(width - this.width);
this.y = -this.height;
this.speedX = random(-1, 1) * alienSpeed;
this.speedY = random(0.5, 1) * alienSpeed;
display() {
this.x + this.width / 2,
this.y + this.height / 2,
update() {
this.x += this.speedX;
this.y += this.speedY;
// Bounce off the walls
if (this.x < 0 || this.x + this.width > width) {
this.speedX *= -1;
// Wrap around vertically
if (this.y > height) {
this.y = -this.height;
this.x = random(width - this.width);
this.speedX = random(-1, 1) * alienSpeed;
this.speedY = random(0.5, 1) * alienSpeed;
shootLaser(spaceship) {
// Calculate the angle between the alien and the spaceship
let angle = atan2(spaceship.y - this.y, spaceship.x - this.x);
// Shoot an alien laser in the calculated angle
let alienLaser = new AlienLaser(
this.x + this.width / 2,
this.y + this.height / 2,
hits(laser) {
let alienCenterX = this.x + this.width / 2;
let alienCenterY = this.y + this.height / 2;
// Check if the laser is within the bounding box of the alien
return (
laser.x > this.x &&
laser.x < this.x + this.width &&
laser.y > this.y &&
laser.y < this.y + this.height
class AlienLaser {
constructor(x, y, rotation) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.speed = 5;
this.rotation = rotation;
display() {
translate(this.x, this.y);
stroke(0, 255, 0);
line(0, 0, 20, 0);
update() {
this.x += this.speed * cos(radians(this.rotation));
this.y += this.speed * sin(radians(this.rotation));
offscreen() {
return this.x > width || this.x < 0 || this.y > height || this.y < 0;
hits(spaceship) {
let d = dist(
spaceship.x + spaceship.width / 2,
spaceship.y + spaceship.height / 2
return d < (spaceship.width + spaceship.height) / 4;
class Laser {
constructor(x, y, rotation) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.speed = 10;
this.rotation = rotation;
display() {
translate(this.x, this.y);
stroke(255, 0, 0);
line(0, 0, 20, 0);
update() {
this.x += this.speed * cos(radians(this.rotation));
this.y += this.speed * sin(radians(this.rotation));
offscreen() {
return this.x > width || this.x < 0 || this.y > height || this.y < 0;
hits(alien) {
let d = dist(
alien.x + alien.width / 2,
alien.y + alien.height / 2
return d < (alien.width + alien.height) / 4;
function updateLasers() {
for (let i = lasers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (lasers[i].offscreen()) {
lasers.splice(i, 1);
function keyPressed() {
if (key == " ") {
// important to have in order to start the serial connection!!
isSerialConnected = true; // Update connection status
startTime = millis(); // Start the timer when the connection is made
if (key === 'f' || key === 'F') {
let fs = fullscreen();
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
let fromArduino = split(trim(data), ",");
if (fromArduino.length == 2) {
potVal = int(fromArduino[0]);
shoot = int(fromArduino[1]);
// console.log("val:");
// console.log(shoot);
// SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake)
let sendToArduino = damage + "," + maxDamage + "\n";
// console.log(damage);
// console.log(maxDamage);
function gameOver() {
noLoop(); // Stop the draw loop
// Call a function from gameover.js to display the game over screen
// gameover.js
function showGameOver() {
// // Implement your game over screen here
// background(0); // Set background to black
// fill(220);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
// text("Game Over!", width / 2, height / 2 - 50);
if (level===1){
if (damage>maxDamage){
image(earthDestroy, width/2,height/2, width, height);
text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height-100);
image(tooSlow, width/2,height/2, width, height);
text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height-100);
else if(level ===2){
if(aliensHitGround>10){ //greater than set value of invasions allowed
image(earthDestroy, width/2,height/2, width, height);
text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height-100);
else if(damage>= maxDamage){
image(shipDestroy,width/2,height/2, width, height );
text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height -100);
image(tooSlow, width/2,height/2, width, height);
text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height-100);
// Draw restart button
text("Click to Restart", width / 2, height -50);
// Add event listener for the restart button
mousePressed = restartGame;
function restartGame() {
// Reload the page to restart the game