Final Project Proposal: Feed Flynn

I. Introduction

“Feed Flynn” is an immersive and engaging arcade-style game designed to entertain and challenge players. This game combines intuitive arcade button controls with a visually appealing graphic design ( which I designed YALL) to create an enjoyable gaming experience.

Some pictures:

Figure 1: My little Retro Style Flynn

Figure 2: My Game logo

II. Project Overview

A. Concept

The game revolves around Flynn, the main character, navigating through a world filled with edible objects and obstacles. The primary objective is to maneuver Flynn using arcade buttons, collecting burgers and donuts for points while avoiding collision with books, which results in point deductions. Flynn also has the ability to shoot bullets to eliminate books, adding an element of strategy and focus to the gameplay.

B. Features

  1. Arcade-Style Controls: Utilize physical or on-screen arcade buttons to move Flynn left and right within the game environment.
  2. Score System: Accumulate points by collecting burgers and donuts while avoiding collisions with books. Each successful collection adds points, while collisions deduct points.
  3. Shooting Mechanism: Implement Flynn’s ability to shoot bullets to eliminate books, allowing players to strategically clear obstacles.

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