week 12 : Final project update


“frenzy jump”

so previously i thought about making an instrument using the serial communication between arduino and p5, that turned out to be very difficult , i could have done it, but unfortunately with the time on hand i could not get it finished on time. therefore, i decided to create a very simple game on p5js that consists of a ball jumping over obstacles, and for the arduino part, i have created a remote switch/button panel that contains the arduino, and 4 different components, but i will use only two. The 4 components are 3 paddle switches, and one button, i will use one paddle switch, and one button to control the ball in the game.

My switch panel controller :


Arduino protoshield

arduino board

3 paddle switches

one button

Initial code :

const player = {
  posX: 0,
  posY:  0,
  size: 50,
  forceY: 0,
  isJumping: false

const obstacles = [{
  posX: 600,
  height: 50,
  width: 70
  posX: 1800,
  height: 50,
  width: 70
  posX: 2500,
  height: 50,
  width: 70

const gravity = 0.3;
const mapSpeed = 5;

const floorPosition = 100;

let gameover = false;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
  player.posX = width / 3;
  player.posY = height - floorPosition - 100;

function draw() {
  if(!gameover) {
    // Check for serial connection
    if(!serialActive) {
      text("Press space to select serial port.", 20, 30);  
    else {
      text("Connected", 20, 30);  


    // Draw game

    // Move game

function drawFloor() {
  rect(0, height - floorPosition, width, floorPosition);

function drawPlayer() {
  fill(255, 150, 0);
  ellipse(player.posX, player.posY, player.size, player.size);

function drawObstacles() {
  for(o of obstacles) {
    rect(o.posX, height - floorPosition, o.width, -o.height);    

function testCollisions(x, y) {
  // Test collide with floor
  if(player.forceY > 0 && y > height - floorPosition - player.size/2) {
    return true;
  for(o of obstacles) {
    if(x + player.size / 2 > o.posX && x - player.size / 2 < o.posX + o.width && y > height - floorPosition - o.height - player.size / 2) {
      return true;  
  return false;

function movePlayer() {
  if(testCollisions(player.posX, player.posY)) {
    player.posX -= mapSpeed;
    player.isJumping = false;
    if(player.posX < 0 - player.size) {
      // gameover
      gameover = true;

  else if(player.posX < width / 3) {
    player.posX += 0.5;
  const nextPos = player.posY + player.forceY;
  if(testCollisions(player.posX, nextPos)) {
    player.forceY = 0;
    player.isJumping = false;
  else {
    player.posY += player.forceY;
    player.forceY += gravity;

function moveObstacles() {
  for(o of obstacles) {
    o.posX -= mapSpeed;
    if(o.posX < -o.width) {
      o.posX = random(width, width*1.5);
      o.width = random(50, 200);
      o.height = random(20, 200);

function readSerial(data) {
  const pin = data.split(':')[0]; 
  const action = data.split(':')[1];
  if(action == "pressed") {
    pressed = true;
  else {
    pressed = false;


function keyPressed() {
  if(key == " ") {
  if(key == 'z' && !player.isJumping) {
    player.isJumping = true;
    player.forceY = -8;



idea of possibly how the game will look like:

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