Week 12: Final Project Proposal

Finalized Concept:

For my final project of the semester, I want to incorporate my love for music, inspired by an idea I had worked on before in a different class last semester. In Making Music, we had an assignment to create a drum kit out of “everyday” sounds. It was really interesting to listen to music tracks created purely out of “everyday” sounds. For my project I want to create an interactive drum kit, where the user presses on a button to choose one of the multiple themes available. Then the user can use their fingers to hit the “drum plates”, which are going to be placed on force sensors. Depending on which theme they are on, they would get different sounds from each plate.I will include one regular drum kit and multiple unusual ones. Additionally, I want to include a feature where a user can record up to 10 seconds of music as well. When the recording is complete it is attached to previous users’ recordings so that at the end of the night, I have a recording of different people playing different drum kits each using their own style. I also would like to include a feature that allows users to listen to the cumulative recording at any point. My idea is to mix everyday sounds, to sound like unusual drum kits, and allow users to improvise for a bit and mashup their improvisation later on to have a piece of music that is reflective of our different personalities. My idea is to implement it as a virtual studio, each room in the studio has a different theme and a different drum kit.

Input from Arduino: Force sensors, button

Output from Arduino: RGB LED that displays different colors depending on what theme they are on

Arduino code:

The Arduino code will read values from the sensors and send them to p5js, it will also change the color of the RGB LED by receiving a value from p5js and acting accordingly

Input from P5js: Space bar to record a short performance, if possible. Enter to return to homepage.

Output from P5js: Sounds, screen display

P5js code:

The P5js code will control the display of the themes by reading the switch values sent from the Arduino. It will also trigger sound files according to the data sent from the force sensors by the Arduino. Additionally, it would control the recording process and the playback of the recordings.


Arduino schematic

This is the initial design of my home p5js screen, but I have not designed the other themed screens yet, so I am not sure if I would stick with the same vibe for my project. I might change it if necessary when I am implementing the other screens as well:

Homepage initial design


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