Week 12 – Final Project Description


I decided to stick with the idea of creating a Braille reader. The design of the device will be close to this, but I’m thinking about adding an additional hole for the light sensor, which will detect if the finger is placed on the device.

The platform will be the size of an index finger, allowing the user to use the device in limited spaces.

The solenoids will be used to put the parts into motion and will be controlled by the Arduino program, which will control their state. As my device is designed for people with sight problems, I will use the P5 only for the audio functions, allowing a person to get familiar with the functionality of the device on their own.

I will provide the user with two modes, controlled by the switches: reading mode and alphabet mode. Moreover, there will be one additional switch allowing the user to stop the program completely. In the reading mode, the device will work according to the texts downloaded into P5, while the alphabet mode will teach a person the alphabet while providing a sound accompaniment to the program.

The P5 sketch will receive information about the state of the switches, and if the Alphabet mode is activated, it will start receiving information from the Arduino about the state of the solenoids and, according to that, sounding out the corresponding letters.

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