Week 12 – Final Project Proposal/Design Documentation

Psychic Hotline Fortune Teller

My final project will be a “fortune teller” machine, where users can inquire into 3 categories: relationships, the future, and yes/no questions. The fortune teller will resemble an landline telephone, where users can dial various phone numbers to receive different fortunes on a slot-machine-like cardboard display. The concept is basically that of a Magic 8 ball, but with more specific predictions and a “psychic” aesthetic.

This is how I visualize the project to work:

Another option is to make the display and phone interface separately, to allow for more flexibility. The phone could still be powered by the Adafruit Trellis keypad, or if I have the time and resources, Professor Shiloh’s rotary phone could be connected to Arduino to add a novel tactile experience for the user.


To fully utilize servo motors’ 180-degree rotation and the limited physical space I will have to write the fortunes, I was inspired by Professor Shiloh’s suggestion to have sentence beginnings and endings. These will mix and match to result in a total of 16 possible fortunes for “relationship” inquires, 16 possible fortunes for “future” inquires, and 4 answers to yes/no questions. I now realize that it might not be possible to have 4 answers, because for yes/no questions one of the rolls must be blank, to avoid the display showing “As I see it, most likely Yes, Definitely!”, which would be confusing. I used ChatGPT to help me generate some sentence beginnings and endings, and picked my favorites:

The input to Arduino will be the number sequence the user punches in on the keypad, and the output will be a randomized combination of 2 servo rotation angles to produce 1 sentence.

*Note: my project does not have P5 integration because Professor Shiloh approved an exception.

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