Week 12: Final Project proposal and design documentation

Finalized concept for the project:

I am making a “Crack The Code Safe Game” for my final project. In this game, the user will try to open a locked safe while “guessing the digits from a given hint”.

Game Interface Design:

Design and description of Arduino and P5 program:

The program will use servo motor to lock and unlock the safe box.

Arduino will receive 3 digits of random code from p5, when the game starts and the servo motor locks the safe box.

The user is able to enter the digits using potentiometer and button to enter the code for the safe. Turn the potentiometer to choose the digits from 0-9 and press the button to enter the digit. Arduino receives the user input and sends it to p5, which prints the message if the code is wrong or not. If the code is correct the safe opens – servo motor unlocks the safe.


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