Week 11 – Reading Reflection

According to the World Health Organization, 1.3 billion people, or 16% of the population, have significant disabilities. With the invention of new technology, most of the disabilities can be treated, providing a person with a relatively normal lifestyle. However, there’s a stigma posed by society that makes it treat people with disabilities differently, which complicates the process of socialization for them. And design, along with fashion, can be a great force in transitioning people’s beliefs towards accepting and equalizing our society. While I was reading, I was curious to find out how glasses, being an attribute of people with sight problems, have become an essential object of fashion in recent decades.

I believe that there should be more investments in the field of biological and medical advances that would enable the group of people with disabilities to enjoy life and implement their intellectual abilities. Design should become the transitional power to understand and accept people with disabilities, but there’s still a long way to go until people with disabilities are treated equally in most of the world.

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