Week 11 : Reflection

The writer says that in the past, people thought it was better to keep disabilities hidden when making things, and that’s not good. It doesn’t just hide a part of the person but can also make them feel like they should be embarrassed about their disability, which is a part of who they are.

They talk about things made for people with disabilities, like glasses. Glasses show how some people don’t follow the old way of thinking. There are many types and styles of glasses, so people can choose what feels comfy and looks good to them. Some people even wear glasses just because they like how they look, even if they don’t need them to see better. But when they talk about something like a fake leg for someone who lost a leg, some people might think it doesn’t look good and hide it, even if it works fine. I really think this should change. No one should feel bad about having a disability.

I think the main problem isn’t the disability itself; it’s more about the places and things around that make it hard for people with disabilities. When places don’t have things that make it easy for them, it’s tough for them to do things like everyone else. So, if we make places easy to use for everyone and remove things that make it hard, it can help people with disabilities do things more easily and feel like they’re a part of everything.

Lastly, I agree that these things should be simple. When we make things for people with disabilities, the main goal is to help them. The things should be easy for them to use without making them feel stressed.

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