Week 11: Final Project Proposal 1

<Smart Plant Growth Monitor>

I want to create a hands-on experience for users to monitor the growth of a virtual plant on their computer screen by interacting with a physical soil sensor using Arduino and p5 js. The Interactive Plant Growth Monitor provides a basic yet engaging experience where users can observe the impact of watering on a virtual plant. This project aims to introduce the concept of real-time data exchange between physical sensors and digital simulations in a user-friendly manner.

Components: Physical Soil Sensor, Digital Plant Simulation, Real-time Data Exchange, User Interaction, Feedback System

Arduino-powered soil moisture sensor to measure the soil’s moisture level. P5.js for a simple and visually appealing digital plant simulation on the computer screen. Arduino collects real-time soil moisture data and sends it to the P5.js environment. Users water the virtual plant by physically adding water to the soil sensor. Visual feedback in the P5.js simulation reflects the plant’s growth based on the soil moisture level.

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