Week 11 – Final Project Idea

Concept: A Digital Petting Zoo

For the final project, as we are required to combine both Arduino and p5js, I decided to do a digital petting zoo. I take the inspiration from an actual petting zoo, which looks like this:

Petting zoos under threat following health inquiry

In this digital petting zoo, the p5js will act like a map of the zoo and shows the information about the animals. The visitor will be able to navigate the zoo using controllers connected to Arduino. In this zoo, I plan to have three to four animals. For these animals, I plan to make physical prototypes using cardboards and other materials. These physical prototypes will be equipped with different sensors according to different animals so that the visitor can interact with them. For example, some shy animal may have a distance sensor while outgoing one might have a light sensor so that it can sense the petting of the visitor.

Additionally, to add some fun to the experience, there will be some tasks for the visitor to complete, such as feeding them, petting them, etc. This sort of imitates the famous old device, a Tamagotchi:

The user interface should represent something like this:

MatchyGotchy Z on Steam

Therefore, this project aims at making the visitor feel like walking around a petting zoo as well taking care of the animals there using Arduino and p5js.

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