Final Project Idea

I still haven’t fully decided what I want to do for my final project, but I plan to have the main concept as ‘screaming.’ I created a game that required the player to scream and I really liked the concept. One thing I regret from last project is that if I made it so that the player would have to continue screaming in order to make the game playable (i.e. slower the speed), it would’ve made more sense. I think trying this approach in my final project would be nice.

I have two different types (still very general ideas) in mind.

One is a game that would have the goal of attacking (like aircraft wargame). In this case, I think I’ll give a gauge that can be filled up by screaming. Once the gauge is full, the player will be able to press the force sensor to use a booster. When this booster is used, the player will become invincible like players in mariokart when they have used starman (refer to the video below).

Second type is a more challenge-focused game without attacks. One example can be puzzle bubble. Also in this concept, I’ll have a gauge that makes the player scream. When the gauge is full, the player will be able to punch (or press) on the fore sensor. This will work as special item such as clearing 3 lines etc.

Although I’m still thinking about the general structure of the game, I have decided that I will make use of ‘screaming’ and ‘force sensor’ as the main theme of my game. By punching the force sensor, I mean something like below:


I think the first thing to do would be to get the general structure of the game decided. After that, I will decide how to make it clear that there’s a strong incentive for the player to scream and punch. I will first test simple codes with the sensors (arduino) separately, the p5js part separately, and then combine the two parts.

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